9 Tips To Increase Fundraising Sales


1. Publicize Early and Often

Promotion before and during the sale is the key to successful fundraising. So in addition to the parent running the sale, identify a volunteer to act as the head cheerleader or spokesperson. Create a theme (such as “Reach for the Stars”) and a slogan (like “It only takes five!”) suggests Karen Grandinetti, president of Pure Profit Fundraising in Rio Rancho, N.M.

Alert parents ahead of time about the fundraiser. Montvale, N.J., schools do an email blast through the PTO website telling parents when a sale is starting and that they should look for a packet coming home. One of Grandinetti’s schools puts a whiteboard promoting the sale on an easel in the school office two months before the kickoff. It includes prices of the products to be sold so parents know what to expect. Other sources of promotion are lunch menus, newsletters, websites, outdoor signs, PA announcements, and the local newspaper.

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